everything we do is made

possible by donors like you.

It takes a lot to offer open-access health education to doctors, nurses, and other health workers around the world. The expertise of healthcare professionals and a network of health education experts is just the beginning. NextGenU.org needs the support of donors to achieve our vision of democratizing education and improving the knowledge base and capabilities of health professionals across the developing world.

Your donations make a difference worldwide. Thanks to donors like you…

  • We’re offering open-access courses and resources to educators and students in developing countries at no cost or low cost.
  • We’re expanding our reach and growing the numbers of qualified health workers in clinical and community settings worldwide.
  • We’re empowering health leaders who can drive policy development, research, and innovations in healthcare.
  • We’re improving public health service through professional enhancement.
  • We’re removing barriers to health education and increasing global accessibility.
  • We’re developing new courses and enhancing existing programs to keep current with the rapidly changing world of healthcare.

Donors help NextGenU.org to offer courses and services
