about us

NextGenU.org aims to educate and improve the capacity of the health workforce. Our mission is to democratize education with a vision to improve the health of humanity and the planet. Learners from every country and through over 2,100 universities and Institutions have accessed courses for free! Our courses span from undergraduate-level pre-health sciences, nursing, humanitarian, and community health worker training through medical and public health graduate training, medical residency programs, and continuing medical education. Our Founder, Dr. Erica Frank, invented the concepts behind NextGenU.org. Learn more about the Genesis of NextGenU.org here.


We offer health sciences courses with free certificates, including courses on Medicine for physicians and other health providers, curricula for nurses with our partners at Nurses International, and Graduate Medical Education. We have also created a free full curriculum for a Master’s Degree in Public Health, and an independent learning community at Public Health U to facilitate public health learners from a variety of settings worldwide. University partners utilize NextGenU.org’s free graduate-level public health courses, while at Public Health U, practicing physicians and other health workers study while continuing to work and treat thousands of patients around the world every year.


Our learning platform is not simply a cluster of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS), but expertly-created, competency-based courses that are cost-free, advertisement-free, barrier-free, and carbon-free. This free model has been successfully tested in North American medical and public health arenas with students, and with community health workers and primary care physicians in Kenya and in India – showing identical knowledge gain with greater student satisfaction compared to traditional courses and positive effects on complex health worker behaviors (like counseling) and attitudes (like stigma). Our model also facilitates the creation of a global community of learning and practice. 


Our funders and partners include CDC, Harvard, NATO, Stanford, and WHO. Physicians and physicians in training, along with other prescribers (e.g. physicians’ assistants, nurse practitioners) — including students, alumni, and staff through 77 US medical schools and 140 US universities — have registered for courses with NextGenU.org. Many learning communities adopt NextGenU.org materials, and we have the privilege of assisting professors from around the world as they adapt the courses to their students’ unique learning environments. NextGenU.org provides quality courses that other learning communities build upon, decreasing costs for students and learning communities with the goal of increasing the numbers of physicians and other health workers and contributing to improved learning and health equity for all.


Our volunteer subject matter experts, course developers, advisory groups, and mentors, alongside the millions of experts who have generously shared their learning resources online, are providing this unprecedented opportunity for globally transforming health education. Please contact us here or browse our available courses.

More than 60

courses to choose from