launches “Global Solutions for Peace, Equality, and Sustainability: Building a More Just World” is collaborating with International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Canada to offer their first humanitarian-focused course. Global Solutions for Peace, Equality, and Sustainability: Building a More Just World, was developed by Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford.
Humanity is currently facing various threats with catastrophic potential that individual states cannot solve on their own. Collective action is necessary to address climate change, the threat of nuclear war, a global pandemic, and extreme financial inequality. As such, effective and dedicated institutions of global governance must mobilize and coordinate efforts at the international level and empower governments and civil society to take urgent mitigating action.
Mrs. Sheila Flood was compelled to ideate solutions for global governance reforms and new approaches to address ongoing and emerging issues in the international system. The urgency for change was piqued when UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, stated that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group 1 report was a “Code Red for humanity” as our planet has reached a tipping point due to human activity driving global warming.

In response, Mrs. Flood conceptualized the online course “Global Solutions for Peace, Equality, and Sustainability” with the purpose of considering the possibility of reforming or replacing the United Nations. She highlighted her goal of developing cooperative solutions to global problems in a recent Times Colonist article, a newspaper in British Columbia, Canada.
Our Global Solutions for Peace, Equality, and Sustainability course explores the worldview that the founders of the United Nations (UN) ensured that the world’s power would remain in the hands of a few wealthy and unchallengeable nations and analyzes whether the world would benefit from UN reforms. The course content will be guided by the book “Global Governance and the Emergence of Global Institutions for the 21st Century” by Augusto Lopez-Claros, Arthur Dahl, and Maja Groff which was published in 2020 and is available online as an open-source book.

If you’ve been asking yourself, “What can I do to help the world in this dangerous time?” then this course is for you. The content and assignments are designed to help you analyze the potential of global governance to address global challenges effectively.