Physician Training and

Addiction Education Research

The Physician Training and Addiction Research Initiative is funded in part by the Addiction Training for Health Professionals

The Physician Training and Addiction Research Initiative, sponsored in part by the Addiction Training
for Health Professionals (ATHP) has contributed to the development of policy and resources for the Addiction Medicine-related education of physicians and their teams. This work is informed by the progression of research and the integration of research findings over time. We continue to improve education related to substance use disorders, so every patient can experience accessible, compassionate, and evidence-based care.

You can explore the research initiative by clicking the sections below


  • Clair V, Rossa-Roccor V, Mokaya AG, Mutiso V, Musau A, Tele A, Ndetei D, Frank E. 2019. Peer and Mentored Enhanced Web-Based Training on Substance Use Disorders: A Promising Approach in Low-Resource Settings to Teach Knowledge and Skills and Decrease Stigma. Psychiatric Services.


  • Clair V, Mutiso V, Musau A, Frank E, Ndetei D. 2016. Online learning improves substance use care in Kenya: Randomized control trial results and implications. Annals of Global Health. 2016 May 1;82(3):320-1. 





  • Frank E. 2010. Health Sciences Online: an extraordinary opportunity for the democratization of health sciences knowledge. Cerebrospinal Fluid Research; 7:S53.


  • Barron R, Frank E, Gitlow S.  2012.  Evaluation of an Experiential Curriculum for Addiction Education Among Medical Students.  Journal of Addiction Medicine; 6:131-136. 


  • Atkinson K, Bosire E, Clair V, Frank E, Musau A, Mutiso V, Ndetei D. Quality Improvement Through Online Learning: positive learners’ experiences and impacts on their service provision for alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use disorders in Africa.  In revision.


  • Rossa-Roccor V, Malatskey L, Frank E. g. 2017’s Free, Globally Available Online Training in Lifestyle Medicine’s. Am J Lifestyle Med.


  • Frank E. 2009.  Co-Creator, e-module on the role of physicians’ physical health habits on their patient care, with Drs. Carolina Segura and Derek Puddester, for the Canadian Medical Association.
  • Frank E, McLendon L, Elon LK, Denniston M, Fitzmaurice D, Hertzberg V.  2005.  Medical students’ self-reported typical counseling practices are similar to those assessed using Standardized Patients. Medscape General Medicine.


  • Frank E, Hedgecock J, Elon LK. 2005.  Personal health promotion at US medical schools: a quantitative study and qualitative description of deans’ and students’ perceptions. BioMed Central Medical Education.


  • Frank E, Smith D, Fitzmaurice D.  2005.  A description and qualitative assessment of a 4 year intervention to improve medical student health.  Medscape General Medicine.


  • Frank E, Elon L, Hertzberg V.  2007.  Quantitative assessment of a 4-year intervention that improved patient counseling through improving medical student health.  Medscape General Medicine; 9(2):58.


  • Frank E, Carrera JS, Stratton T, Bickel J, Nora LM.  2006.  Belittlement and harassment experiences and their correlates among U.S. medical students.  British Medical Journal; 333:682 . 


  • Frank E, Carrera JS, Elon L, Hertzberg VS. 2006.  Basic demographics, health practices, and health status of U.S. medical students.  American Journal of Preventive Medicine; 31(6):499-505.


  • Frank E, Elon L, Saltzman LE, Houry D, McMahon PM, Doyle J.  2006.  Clinical and Personal and intimate partner violence training experiences of U.S. medical students.  Journal of Women’s Health; 15(9):1071-1079.




  • Compton M, Frank E, Elon L, Carrera JS.  2008.  Changes in U.S. Medical Students’ Specialty Interests over the Course of Medical School.  Journal of General Internal Medicine; 23(7):1095-1100.




  • Compton M, Carrera JS, Frank E.  2008.  Stress and depressive symptoms/dysphoria among U.S. medical students: Results from a large, nationally-representative survey.  The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease; 196:891-897. DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0b013e3181924d03


  • Frank E, Elon L, Naimi T, Brewer R.  2008.  Alcohol consumption and alcohol counseling behaviors among a cohort of U.S. medical students.  British Medical Journal; 337:2155.


  • Duperly J, Lobelo RL, Segura C, Sarmiento F, Herrera D, Sarmiento O, Frank E.  2009.  The association between Colombian medical students' healthy personal habits and a positive attitude toward preventive counseling: cross-sectional analyses.  BMC Public Health; 9:218.




  • Maser B, Danilewitz M, Guerin E, Findlay L, Frank E. 2019. Medical Student Distress and Mental Illness Relative to the General Population: A Canadian Cross-Sectional Survey. Academic Medicine.  DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002958 


  • SC King, Frank E. 2010.  The Unwillingness of Future U.S. Physicians to Limit Adolescent Prevention Counseling to Abstinence-Only Messages.  Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology; 23(4):237-241.


  • Vormittag K, Frank E, Briner W. 2009. The Impact of Resident Wellness Programs. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise; 41:170. doi:10.1249/01.mss.0000354167.55010.9e


  • Dyrbye LN, Trockel MT, Frank E, et al.  2017.  Development of a Research Agenda to Identify Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve Physician Wellness and Reduce Burnout. Annals of Internal Medicine.  doi:10.7326/M16-2956.


  • Brady KS, Trockel MT, Khan CT, Raj KS, Murphy ML, Bohman B, Frank E, Louie AK, Roberts LW.  2017. What Do We Mean by Physician Wellness? A Systematic Review of Its Definition and Measurement. Academic Psychiatry, doi: 10.1007/s40596-017-0781-6.


  • Frank E, Segura C.  2009.  Health Practices of Canadian Physicians.  Canadian Family Physician; 55(8):810-811.


  • Lovell BL, Lee RT, Frank E.  2009.  May I long experience the joy of healing: professional and personal wellbeing among physicians from a Canadian province.  BMC Family Practice; 10:18.



  • Voltmer E, Schwappach DLB, Frank E, Wirsching M, Spahn C.  2010.  Work-related Experience and Behavior Patterns and Predictors of Mental Health in German Physicians in Medical Practice.  Family Medicine; 42:433-439.


  • Frank E, Segura C, Shen H, Oberg E. 2010. Predictors of Canadian physicians’ prevention counseling practices.  Canadian Journal of Public Health; 101(5):390-395.




  • Kruger J, Shaw L, Kahende J, Frank E.  2012.  Health Care Providers’ Advice to Quit Smoking – National Health Interview Survey, 2000, 2005, and 2010.  CDC Preventing Chronic Disease; 9: 110340. 



  • Frank E, Dresner Y, Shani M, Vinker S.  2013.  The association between physicians’ and patients’ preventive health practices.  Canadian Medical Association Journal. 185(8):649-653. 


  • Voltmer E, Frank E, Spahn C.  2013.  Personal health practices and patient counseling of German physicians in private practices.  ISRN Epidemiology. 2013(176020).


  • Mokaya AG, Mutiso V, Kombe Y, Musau A, Ng’ang’a Z, Frank E, Ndetei D, Clair V.  2016. Substance use among a sample of healthcare workers in Kenya: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.


  • Tsuei S H-T, Mutiso V, Musau A, Tele A, Frank E, Ndetei D, Clair V. 2017. Factors influencing lay and professional health workers' self-efficacy in identification and intervention for alcohol, tobacco and other substance use disorders in Kenya.  International J Mental Health and Addiction.